Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On the Societal Values of Those With Artificial Bodies

Surrogates comes out on Friday, though I need to find some time to go see it. However pondering the world of Surrogates, where one gets to have an artificial body stand in for them.

The first idea which came to mind was the world of professional sports. It would be drastically different from today if it still existed. Today's professional sports are already plagued by bodies that are medically artificial, through the use of performance enhancing drugs, but when you replace that body with a robot, then you might as well give up any semblance that the sport is a display of natural human abilities. I'm sure extreme sports will become more popular, as the threat of dying has been removed (it might also loose it's appeal). But with professional sports, anyone and their mom with the proper amount of money can buy a body and their way into the league.

Which brings up a second point. Similar to the world of Gattaca, class structures will be built around who has the best surrogate. At first one could claim that the playing field would be leveled, but those with the proper means can create the best bodies that are allowable by technology. The rich would have the more desirable bodies and the poor would get the remainder.

And lastly, if we eschew physical human contact altogether, how on Earth are we to reproduce and raise our children. Sex would be completely safe and non-committal, and there would be no pregnancies. And even if children are borne, they have to grow, mentally, and primarily physically before that they could assume a surrogate body to stand in for them in the real world. The idea of pedagogy is a very complicated one and would need more time than I currently have to explore.

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